
Crispberry's Second Album “Mirror Image” Released | Starlight may be dim, but it illuminates the universe


In the world of music, every album is a mirror image of the creator's soul, reflecting the inner world and unique insights into life. Crispberry's second album “Mirror Image” is such a mirror, which was carefully polished in four years, and is the result of each member's dialog with themselves and exploration of their heart, as well as their interpretation and ode to the love in their lives. From mountains, rivers, lakes and seas to familiar rehearsal rooms, this album was born from the feelings that flowed from within - giving us the truest feedback in the form of music.

The album consists of ten compositions: “Mirror Image”, “Cycle”, “Spring Journey”, “Dream”, “Birds of Prey”, “Going to the Beach Again”, “Love for Each Other”, “Girls”, “The Same Bleak Star”, and “Outro”. Crispy Berry's album is a collection of feelings and inspirations from many sources that come together to create a richly layered and varied album that is a soul-stirring musical journey.