
Victor Wong’s new mv of single Happiness Guide, experience the daily happiness through the pass of time


Victor Wong’s new MV of the single Happiness Guide was launched on July 2nd, which interprets the core concept of “self-defined life standard, self-defined happiness”. This MV especially uses an interactive approach to combine the light and shadow with everyday scenes, illustrating that happiness can be found in these ordinary moments. Victor Wong tells the unique happy story of each person with gentle eyes.

The theme song "Happiness Guide" leads the concept of the entire album, which was customized by the Golden Triangle consisting of Victor Wong, Kevin Yi and Andrew Zhu. The famous lyricist Kevin Yi embeds the core concept into the lyrics: "Each person may have a unique ideal world...defining others’ dream is not quite right." And he said that it needed courage to both understand what one really wanted and respect others’choice. In the lyrics, Victor Wong indicates "I want wings, but also parachute", and he also reflects that one needs to choose in life because (s)he can not own everything. The key to happiness is to know your true demands and learn to choose. Based on the theme and content of the music, Ares Wu, director of the "Happy Guide" MV, interspersed the MV with a lot of medium shots of the home scenes. Home is where we stay the longest, and it is at every corner we are familiar with that we can find the most subtle and ordinary happiness. In this film, Victor Wong sits on the stairs or on the sofa, and tells the happy story of each person with gentle eyes.

Like success, happiness bears no unified standards in this era that encourages personality and independent thinking, and all we should do is only to respect different choices. As is written in the lyrics "happiness guide, I have my exclusive choice list, I want a simple and beautiful life. Looking down, the happiness guide has already been written on the palms."